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10 results for 'Charter Information'
City Charter High Schools-Charter Application

City Charter High Schools-Charter Application


City Charter High School, a non-profit, non-sectarian new school, will graduate young adults who are prepared academically, technically, personally and socially to participate and succeed in post-secondary education and/or employment in technology-related fields.

Goal: Student Achievement
Graduates will demonstrate the academic skills necessary to be both culturally and scientifically literate. These skills include the abilities to communicate orally, communicate through writing, perform complex tasks, model real-world problem solving, conduct research and manage extended projects. This goal will be measured by demonstrating yearly improvement in grades, in norm and criterionreferenced exams as well as successful completion of projects and portfolio pieces as measured through a Shared Inquiry process.
Goal: Workforce Skills
Students will have clearly articulated academic and career plans that focus on the connection between school and post-secondary careers. Graduates will demonstrate proficiency at the workforce competencies and interpersonal skills necessary to succeed. These skills include basic academic competencies that are aligned with employment profiles as well as punctuality, appropriate work attire, time management, ability to work in teams, responsibility for outcomes and flexibility in thinking and behaviors. This goal will be measured by demonstrating yearly improvement in attendance, WorkKeys („ ACT) assessments and reviews by employers who provide student internships.

Goal: Model School
City Charter High School will demonstrate a scalable, sustainable and replicable model for a 21st century urban high school that is aligned with a technology driven economy. This model will include innovative academic programs and organizational structures, dynamic partnerships, new funding mechanisms to support school-based research, a physical plant conducive to workforce development and a staff development program that insures long-term stability and teacher excellence. This goal will be measured through implementation of the proposed charter, the dissemination of school activities into the community and improved school performance...

Charter Renewal 2017_2022

City Charter High School - Charter Agreement 2002-2007

Charter Agreement between EDYSYS, Inc., and the School District of Pittsburgh
The Grantee and the Grantor (the School District of Pittsburgh) agree that the CHARTER periord shall be for a period of five years from July 1, 2002, to June 30, 2007.

The Grantee shall remain in compliance with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's Chapater 22 Regulation governing charter schools.
City Charter High School - By Laws

City Charter High School - By Laws

These Bylaws constitute the code of the rules adopted by EDSYS, INC. for the regulation and management of its affairs.   Purposes and Powers
This Corporation will have the purposes and powers as stated in its Articles of Incorporation, as mended, and such powers as are or may be granted by the Nonprofit Corporation Law of 1988 and the Charter School Law, or any successor legislation.

City Charter High School-Comprehensive Plan 2015-2018

City Charter High School-Comprehensive Plan 2015-2018

CIty High just went through a Middle States Accredidation Process. We were recently notified that we recieved accredidation. We used that process to outline an extensive plan of action for continuing to improve over the next 7 years. That process included bringing the educational leadership team of the school together to outline four major goals (Supporting Students in Becoming Independent Learners, Increasing the Rigor of Instruction at CIty High, Continuing to Improve our Efforts to Help Students Effectively Transition from City High to Post High School and School Safety). All City High staff members were part of one of four committees that outlined action steps to progress on these goals. A planning team, which included board members and parents, approved the plans developed by the committess. Action has begun on all four areas as of September 2014.

CIty High administration is attempting to fold the Middle States planning into the comprehensive plan. As such, one of the internal coordinators is going through the comprehensive plan to determine how well the two will fit. After doing so, the administrative team will review the plan and share it with the educational leadership team and the City High Board of Directors.

Accreditation for Growth

Accreditation for Growth

A Self-Study for Accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools City Charter High School Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

The Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools is a non-governmental, nonprofit, peer-administered organization of diverse educational institutions committed to ensuring that students in accredited schools are receiving the highest quality education. Additionally, the Association seeks to ensure that accredited schools are engaged in continuous improvement efforts through effective leadership, a comprehensive program of self-study, evaluation by peer educators external to the school, meeting the requirements for accreditation, exemplary programs, and supportive services. For more than 125 years, the Association has provided leadership

in educational quality and school improvement for its member schools in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and in schools in Europe, the Middle East, the subcontinent of Asia, and Africa.

The school selected the Accreditation for Growth (AFG) self-study and accreditation protocol. AFG outlines a unique accreditation process that uses strategic and site-based planning as vehicles for school improvement and growth in student performance. The protocol, developed by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools, also provides linkages between school improvement efforts at the school and system levels.

The primary determinants of progress within the protocol are the actual results the school obtains in student performance rather than the quality of the school’s programs and resources. AFG requires the school to focus its mission and  improvement objectiveson its vision of a preferred future for its students; therefore, it is a future-oriented process. AFG also requires the school to conduct continuous reviews of its programs and services and allows diverse constituent groups to participate in charting the future of the school.


Middle States Association Of Colleges And Schools Commissions On Elementary And Secondary Schools Accreditation For Growth

Middle States Association Of Colleges And Schools Commissions On Elementary And Secondary Schools Accreditation For Growth

A Report of the Visiting Team for Accreditation by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools

To be accredited through the Accreditation for Growth protocol, the school first must meet the 12 Middle States Association Standards for Accreditation. Second, the school, through a planning team of representatives from the school’s community stakeholders, must identify areas of student performance that are the highest priorities for growth and improvement, measurable performance objectives, and a plan for achieving the objectives. The plan must also include the school’s mission and the beliefs or core values that guide its decision-making.

In addition, the school must demonstrate that is has or is developing a planning ethic to ensure the school has both the will and the capacity to implement its plan and achieve its objectives.

Title One

City Charter High School receives Title I funding from the Federal Government.
This funding is used to provide the following: ï‚· Teachers to provide support for reading, writing and mathematics; ï‚· Paraprofessional assistance for students in reading, writing, mathematics and technology; ï‚· After school tutoring for ninth, tenth and eleventh graders; ï‚· Funding for the Student Assistance Program; ï‚· Support for parent workshops; ï‚· Transportation for student academic field experiences; and ï‚· Staff development sessions and staff continuing education.

City Charter 501c3

EDSYS INC, DBA City Charter High School
Department of the Treasury 
501 (c) 3 exemption from federal income tax letter of acceptance.